Good Morning to all of my "Best From the Nest" Friends and Visitors! You just don't know how much I appreciate the support that you have shown to this blog since it began. I know, I know, it's still so new, but hey, with every day and every post, it gets more experienced and even better. Hopefully.
This is the point of my blog post today. With your help, I want to make this blog better in every way. I assume that you like to cook and/or eat to a certain extent if you visit this blog regularly. Or Maybe you just like to read what I write or look at my ammateur photographs that are taken with a very unprofessional Point and Shoot Kodak Camera. And if you're a professional photographer you can really get a kick out of them and maybe even snicker to yourself a bit! Whatever way that my site brightens your day is spectacular to me. As long as it serves a purpose to someone out there, besides me.
One Enhancement that I have made in order to make your experience here more user-friendly and accomodating is the EXPLORE link on the left sidebar. Yes, I did. Yes, it's here. We now have A Store!!!!
Best of the Nest Community Store
In order to assist you in locating some of the references that I make in my posts, you will begin to recognize these categories:
Nest Essentials - In Life, there are "wants" and then there are "needs". You will find what I consider to be "needs" here in this category, otherwise known as Nest Essentials.
Nifty Gadgets - Here you'll find some favorite Nifty Gadgets. They are certain to do at least one of two things: Make it easier
Make it prettier
I like to include numerous options, if at all possible, and take into consideration varying budgets.
Must Reads - Inspiring and Intriguing. Two favorite words here at The Best From My Nest. Any read that you find here will be sure to satisfy both of these prerequisites!
Have a Listen - With the power to entertain,enthuse, elate, intensify, relax, and many, many more... Music makes the world go round! Influence and Enhance with these suggestions. Go ahead, have a listen!
Keep in mind that you are welcome to use this store, if nothing else, as a reference to actually see some of my favorite or recommended products. Feel free to comment if there is something in my posts that you would like to see in the store that I have left out for some reason.
And secondly, my friends and supporters, is my request to you. I have mentioned in numerous posts that I LOVE Blends, Variety, New, Old, Different, Culture, and Interaction. My goal with this blog is to form a unique community in which we can exchange information with each other with that leads to creativity. To do so, I need your help. Your feedback and comments have been critical to my continuing to create posts that I hope interest you and that you are likely to want to put into action. Also new on the Left Sidebar is the word INTRIGUE. This is the spot where some of my favorite blogs will appear. If they are my favorite, they have intrigued me. They are blogs that I frequent on a regular basis. The authors of these blogs are admired greatly by me for their talents, contributions and the ability to express themselves. Tartelette is the first on the list. Check out this site by clicking the link in the left sidebar. Helen is the creator and she is extremely talented in photography and baking. I don't know her personally, but maybe one day. Here you will find simple and pure beauty in both food and photographs, and you'll even learn a little french.
I am excited about a couple of new memberships as well! Recently I added a couple of what they call "Widgets" to my blog. These are from organizations of which I am a new member. They are as follows:
Foodista (
Tasty Kitchen (
The Daring Kitchen (both Daring Cooks and Daring Bakers) (
Here I will contribute recipes, get feedback from other cooks and even some chefs, have my recipes edited and commented on, and participate in trying out new recipes that are more complex in nature on a monthly basis (The Daring Kitchen). Don't worry, I'll definitely post my monthly Daring Kitchen recipes after everyone submits their recipes and we are given the "go-ahead" to post. You are encouraged to join these sites/clubs as well if you love to cook. Any recipes that I post on these sites will always be presented here first.
Thanks again for all of your support!
Lisa Avant
You can always email directly if you prefer not to comment:
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